The Amore Bouquet is a bold and passionate arrangement designed for those who love with intensity and elegance. At its heart are premium Ferrari Red Roses from Ecuador—celebrated for their rich, vibrant color, large velvety petals, and exceptional longevity.
Seasonal blooms in deep raspberry, soft pink, and creamy blush beautifully complement the roses, while lush greenery adds movement and depth. Its classic design is elevated with layered textures and varying heights, creating a dynamic, firework-like burst of color.
To ensure lasting beauty, each bouquet includes a premium flower booster—a specially formulated blend that nourishes the blooms and extends their vibrancy, allowing your gift to be enjoyed even longer.
Often chosen by sophisticated, well-groomed men for their equally elegant and captivating partners, the Amore Bouquet is an artistic and expressive gift that speaks of refined taste and fiery emotion.
Available in Standard and the more lavish Deluxe size.