A true symbol of deep respect and connection for life's most meaningful moments.
The Monte Bianco Rose Bouquet is a luxurious, full arrangement designed to make a lasting impression in elegant interiors—whether in a private home or a professional setting. Its grand, round shape expresses profound care and thoughtfulness, making it perfect for honoring important occasions.
This bouquet blends white roses with seasonal blooms in a soft white and green color palette, kissed with a hint of sunshine. The seasonal flowers may vary, but the elegance of the white roses remains constant, creating impressive volume and harmony.
Most choose to present this bouquet in a grand vase. Thoughtfully adorned with ribbons to suit any occasion, it becomes an unforgettable gift.
Expertly hand-tied , the bouquet allows the recipient to easily refresh it in a couple of days—changing the water and adding the included Flower Booster to extend its beauty for even more days of enjoyment.