Caring for a Love Story: How to Preserve Your Elegant 100 Ferrari Red Roses Bouquet

Got your Elegant 100 Ferrari Red Roses Bouquet?


A joyful recipient admires the Elegant 100 Ferrari Red Roses Bouquet from Floral Atelier Australia, expertly arranged and beautifully wrapped, symbolizing a grand gesture of love, available for same day delivery by a leading florist in Adelaide

It's a grand symbol of love. Here's how to keep it looking fresh and beautiful:

  1. Choosing the Right Vase: You'll need a big and sturdy vase so the bouquet doesn't tip over. If you don't have a vase large enough, a spacious bucket works too. We provide a suitable container for free with every purchase.

  2. Watering: These roses are thirsty! Make sure the water covers the stems completely. Check daily and top up the water as needed.

  3. Nutrition: We include a special flower food with each bouquet. It helps the roses stay vibrant longer. Just mix it into the water.

  4. Light and Temperature: Keep the bouquet away from direct sunlight and in a cool area. This helps preserve the roses' freshness.

  5. Trimming: Trim the stems slightly every few days to help them absorb water better. Use sharp scissors and cut at an angle.


A joyful recipient admires the Elegant 100 Ferrari Red Roses Bouquet from Floral Atelier Australia, expertly arranged and beautifully wrapped, symbolizing a grand gesture of love, available for same day delivery by a leading florist in Adelaide

Remember, a little care goes a long way. Your Elegant 100 Ferrari Red Roses Bouquet is not just any bouquet; it's a statement of deep affection. With these simple steps, you can enjoy its beauty for as long as possible.

Thank you for choosing us for your special moments!