Classic Dozen Dark Red Rose Bouquet featured 12 premium dark red roses wrapped in chocolate brown paper. Close up image

Classic Dozen Dark Red Rose Bouquet

Floral Atelier Australia
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These are not ordinary roses—these are premium Dark Red Roses from Ecuador, known for their deep cherry-red hue and larger, velvety petals. Grown in the ideal mountain climate, their rich color, quality, and long-lasting beauty are unmatched. They share the same premium quality as our Ferrari Red Roses, sometimes appearing slightly larger and naturally more open due to their hydration and abundant petals.

Each bouquet is carefully wrapped in luxurious chocolate brown paper, adding a rich and sensual touch—reminiscent of chocolate-dipped berries. This elegant wrapping enhances the romantic feel, making it a perfect gift for any special occasion.

As professional florists, we ensure every rose is properly hydrated to stay fresh during pickup or delivery. Even brief dryness can shorten their life, so we take every step to protect their quality.

To keep your roses vibrant at home, we include a Flower Booster to help them recover from transport and stay fresh longer.